
Visual Persuasion

Do You Believe Everything You See and Hear?

The Education Revolution USA

Clips of Joe Caruso, reknowned author, consultant and keynote speaker talking to teachers about the power and influence they have to transform the U.S. educational system. Through technology, every teacher can connect with today’s weaned on the web student and is therefore pivotal in the education revolution that is happening today. The power needs to be back in the classroom...with the teacher...for the student and technology can help make that happen.

Lev Vygotsky 'The' Papa of the Constructivist Theory

The work of Lev Vygotsky is increasingly cited as we reconsider the theory and practice of constructivist education. This program introduces the life, vocabulary and concepts of Lev Vygotsky. The film illustrates four basic concepts integral to his work: 1) children construct knowledge; 2) learning can lead development; 3) development cannot be separated from its social context; and 4) language plays a central role in cognitive development. Dr. Elena Bodrova, Russian-trained, brings an easy familiarity to these concepts. Dr. Deborah Leong’s commentary and the lively classroom examples enable students, teachers in training, and classroom teachers to incorporate these concepts into their understanding of child development. (1994) 28 minutes. (This is a 4-minute clip from the film). This film is part of the acclaimed Davidson Films, Inc. GIANTS series, which also includes films on the work and lives of Mary Ainsworth, Albert Bandura, John Dewey, Erik Erikson, Maria Montessori, Jean Piaget and B.F. Skinner.

The QEP Reform is based on the 'Vygotskian' constructivism learning theory.

Teaching Teaching and Understanding Understanding

Award-winning video and epilogue by Prof. John Biggs...