Child Slavery

The fight to end slavery today
Hazardous working conditions and long hours is an everyday reality for 14 percent of the world’s children. Using children for cheap labor is a common practice in many countries. Some of these children have never attended school or dropped out after a few years, and many are forced to work in the sex industry.
Believing that every child has the right to education and playtime, thousands of people from every corner of the world marched together to say no to child labor in 1998 under the banner of “Global March Against Child Labour”. The international community responded by drafting the International Labor Organization Convection against the worst forms of child labor. From these efforts, the network of organizations under the umbrella of Global March Against Child Labour was born.Global March works worldwide to promote every child’s right to meaningful education and freedom from exploitation and hazardous labor. Through questioning, attacking and challenging the systems in place that compel children to work, it advocates for policy change at local, national and global levels.
July 2007 marks the midway point for the Millennium Development Goals, the set of eight goals that the United Nations hopes to achieve by 2015. Global March is now asking people to sign to the "Keep Your Promises" petition. This campaign reminds governments of their commitments to keep children out of hazardous labor environments, provide universal education and promote gender parity.
"All children in the world must enjoy fullest of their childhood, they have to be in schools, they have to be in playground, they have to be in mother’s place and be very happy and smiling children, caring and loving for each other. The children must not be trapped into slavery, the children must not be put to wars, children should not be the victims of the adult created sins and problems, children have to enjoy their childhood; that is the most important"
Global March works worldwide to promote every child’s right to meaningful education and freedom from exploitation and hazardous labor.
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The Visual Argument and the Sensory Explosion in Learning
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If you only saw it in images in static form..
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Which would one empower you ...
The MindTool - Interactive Whiteboards and Why?
The interactive whiteboard is an excellent tool for the constructivist educator. Author David Johassen coined the word "mindtool" to describe devices or applications which encourage use of technology to encourage critical thinking in students. Attributes of mindtools include ease of use, group interaction, ready availability of software to be used. Since the boards can be used with any software, they are extremely adaptable for numerous uses and do not require acquisition of additional software. Their creative use is limited only by the imaginations of teachers and students.
The board can accommodate different learning styles. Tactile learners can benefit from touching and marking at the board, audio learners can have the class discussion, visual learners can see what is taking place as it develops at the board.
One-computer classrooms can maximize the use of limited computer access by using the whiteboard. Students can work together with individuals contributing at the board, other participants at the computer, and the group as a whole discussing the activity. While it is true that acquiring the board and the projector is an expense, the use of this set-up can be viewed as a cost-cutter when it makes it possible for one computer to serve multiple students.
Source : Dr. Mary Ann Bell
What are the benefits?
· Because interactive whiteboards are so like conventional whiteboards, they can help even technophobic teachers to use technology comfortably for presentations from the front of the room.
· They help in embedding the use of e-learning because they rapidly demonstrate the potential of alternative modes of delivery.
· They make it easy for teachers to enhance presentation content by easily integrating all kinds of material in a lesson: a picture from the internet, a graph from a spreadsheet and text from a Word file in addition to student and teacher annotations on these objects.
· They allow teachers to easily and rapidly create customized learning objects from a range of existing content and adapt it to the needs of the class in real time.
· They allow learners to absorb information more easily.
· They allow learners to participate in group discussions by freeing them from note taking.
· They allow learners to work collaboratively around a shared task/work area.
· When used for whole class interactive testing of understanding, they can provide learner feedback rapidly.
Source : TechLearn 'Interactive whiteboards in Education'
Active Learning Enhanced
Mind Mapping for Visual Clues to Thought and Idea Patterns

Mind maps are tools which help you think and learn.
How to do a Mind Map
Mind mapping (or concept mapping) involves writing down a central idea and thinking up new and related ideas which radiate out from the centre. By focusing on key ideas written down in your own words, and then looking for branches out and connections between the ideas, you are mapping knowledge in a manner which will help you understand and remember new information.
Look for relationshipsUse lines, colors, arrows, branches or some other way of showing connections between the ideas generated on your mind map. These relationships may be important in you understanding new information or in constructing a structured essay plan. By personalizing the map with your own symbols and designs you will be constructing visual and meaningful relationships between ideas which will assist in your recall and understanding.
Draw quickly on unlined paper without pausing, judging or editing
All of these things promote linear thinking and the idea of mind mapping is to think creatively and in a non-linear manner. There will be plenty of time for modifying the information later on but at this stage it is important to get every possibility into the mind map. Sometimes it is one of those obscure possibilities that may become the key to your knowledge of a topic.
Alternative approaches
One of the powerful things about mind mapping is that it is a tool which encourages creative thinking and often creative solutions to problems. Always look at alternative ways of approaching essay questions and always be prepared to be a critical researcher and writer who is prepared to go outside the normal boundaries!
The Education Revolution USA
Lev Vygotsky 'The' Papa of the Constructivist Theory
The QEP Reform is based on the 'Vygotskian' constructivism learning theory.