
The MindTool - Interactive Whiteboards and Why?

Some educated comments on the benefits of the Interactive Whiteboard application:

The interactive whiteboard is an excellent tool for the constructivist educator. Author David Johassen coined the word "mindtool" to describe devices or applications which encourage use of technology to encourage critical thinking in students. Attributes of mindtools include ease of use, group interaction, ready availability of software to be used. Since the boards can be used with any software, they are extremely adaptable for numerous uses and do not require acquisition of additional software. Their creative use is limited only by the imaginations of teachers and students.

The board can accommodate different learning styles. Tactile learners can benefit from touching and marking at the board, audio learners can have the class discussion, visual learners can see what is taking place as it develops at the board.

One-computer classrooms can maximize the use of limited computer access by using the whiteboard. Students can work together with individuals contributing at the board, other participants at the computer, and the group as a whole discussing the activity. While it is true that acquiring the board and the projector is an expense, the use of this set-up can be viewed as a cost-cutter when it makes it possible for one computer to serve multiple students.

Source : Dr. Mary Ann Bell

What are the benefits?

· Because interactive whiteboards are so like conventional whiteboards, they can help even technophobic teachers to use technology comfortably for presentations from the front of the room.

· They help in embedding the use of e-learning because they rapidly demonstrate the potential of alternative modes of delivery.

· They make it easy for teachers to enhance presentation content by easily integrating all kinds of material in a lesson: a picture from the internet, a graph from a spreadsheet and text from a Word file in addition to student and teacher annotations on these objects.

· They allow teachers to easily and rapidly create customized learning objects from a range of existing content and adapt it to the needs of the class in real time.

· They allow learners to absorb information more easily.

· They allow learners to participate in group discussions by freeing them from note taking.

· They allow learners to work collaboratively around a shared task/work area.

· When used for whole class interactive testing of understanding, they can provide learner feedback rapidly.

Source : TechLearn 'Interactive whiteboards in Education'

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